Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Featured Artist: Jesse Mosher.etsy.com

(c)Copyright of this work is retained by the artist and is not transferred upon sale.

Jesse Mosher Rock n Roll Folk Art Paintings on repurposed wood.

Why spend your life making art? Many people have art as a part of theirs, While for me it is the moon, the stars and nearly everything inbetween. I've been making pieces for sale continuously, without a break since sept 1998, selling over 14,000 signed prints and originals since those days. The reason I can't stop is that I feel myself becoming part of the long history of american art and culture that streches as a continuous line from Buffalo Bill Cody to modern times. Each of the 450 or so different people I've painted help fill in the picture of what and who we are as a culture, as a people, and what it means to dedicate a life to the pursuit of art and music, daring to express their vision as individuals and groups.

(c)Copyright of this work is retained by the artist and is not transferred upon sale.

My Etsy Shop: http://www.JesseMosher.etsy.com

My Blog: http://www.myspace.com/jessemosher

My youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thUps-FMvVM